Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Running Down The Road

How do you (if you do at all) exercise while on the road?

For some people, vacations are an opportunity to spend leisure time - time which they normally don't have - on fitness activities. Many resort hotels offer elaborate fitness centers, with all kids of equipment, trainers, classes and programs. Some make outdoor activities, such as hiking, biking, swimming, or tennis and other recreations, a core part of their vacation.

Bad Sneakers, May 2012

For others, the vacation is also a vacation from their regular treadmill or exercise bike programs. They view a vacation as a change from daily life in as many aspects as they can manage.

For me, daily exercise is part of what I do. I exercise virtually everyday in some way, whether at home or away. My biggest challenge has been figuring out how to exercise while on the road.

For almost 25 years, I was a regular runner. My default daily exercise was running; when I couldn't run for some reason I would did something else, but miss the running. Last year I deliberately expanded my routine to include biking and hiking often. But running is a great default, especially while traveling. If the weather is decent, you hardly need any gear - shoes, shorts and a shirt. The most common machine in most hotels is a treadmill if the weather doesn't cooperate. Then in the fall my leg started hurting, I stopped running and spent most of exercise energy on the elliptical machine. I subsequently found that I have two herniated disks in the lumbar spine, and running really can't be a significant part of my life now.

So this trip will be a challenge in this regard. On many days, I hope to be sufficiently active during the day with hiking or walking and won't need to "exercise". On some days, especially those with long drives, I hope to be able to exercise in a fitness room in our hotel. This will depend on them having a useable non-treadmill aerobic machine. And on some days, I expect that I'll skip the exercise.


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