Tuesday, June 12, 2012

San Francisco Days

Today we did all the touristy stuff one does in San Francisco. Starting with the cable cars, which are clearly a mode of transportation which has passed its sell-by date. Their only value now is as a ride for tourists (like us), although it is interesting to see the crude technology still in use. The cars themselves, of course, are completely unpowered and the operator uses mammoth levers to grab or release the cable running continually below the street to move the thing. The track switches and turntables to turn the cars around at the end of the line are similarly operated solely by human muscles - no electricity or other power at all.

The guy on the left was rude; the guy on the right was brusque; June 2012

They also apparently have archaic work rules for the operators, as hundreds of people waited on line while they all took a break this afternoon (we waited over an hour and a half in total for our two rides). Still, it's worth doing once. But not twice.

At the end of the line is Fisherman's Wharf and Girardelli Square. The Wharf area, one of several piers and wharfs and surrounding streets that have been converted to big restaurant/t-shirt shop/trinkets, was very busy - and this is a Monday in June. I can only imagine what the weekend is like. There are also some interesting old boats and ships which are restored and picturesque.

Fisherman's Wharf Sights, June 2012

Ghirardelli Square is much simpler - the primary feature is Ghirardelli and their chocolates. We had their ice cream. Good, but not special.

Chocolate, Anyone?, June 2012

After a gourmet dinner of garlic-free pizza, I went to shoot some sunset shots at a place called Baker Beach, which is on the Pacific side of the Golden Gate. The spot is beautiful; at least four or five couples were having wedding or engagement pictures taken in the evening's glow. Other people were just enjoying the view. And I was moving around trying to take some interesting pictures.

Eyes on the sunset, June 2012
Birds on the wing, June 2012
Sunset on the Point Bonita Light, June 2012


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