Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Laundry Update

I know you're all waiting with great anticipation for me to give you the final outcome on our laundry dilemma. After all, if cleanliness is next to godliness, and laundry is key to cleanliness, then this is truly a Supreme issue.
Whiter than white, April 2012  

It's actually hard to believe the amount of time we've spent on this subject.

There is - not yet, at least - any Final Outcome. But here's what we've been up to.

  • We've identified laundry facilities in or near five of our stops, which will go a long way towards allowing me to approach cleanliness on a regular basis.
  • I've found some decent wash'n'wear undershorts, both comfortable and quick drying. I'll bring a few of those to bridge the gaps in the laundromat schedule.
  • I've got several quick drying button down shirts designed for hiking and camping, and I plan on wearing these a bunch. They would look a little geeky around Manhattan, but will probably fit right into the National Parks and small towns we're spending about 75% of our time in. And let's just examine the other three spots: Las Vegas, where anything goes (and stays there); Napa Valley, filled with weekenders trying to look like farmers, I mean vintners; and San Fancisco, the national home of Individuallity. So other than looking nice in a few key restaurans, these should work in many situations.
As this develops further I'll be sure to keep you posted. I know you care deeply.


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